1.Russian military assault in Ukraine There is a full scale war going on in Ukraine that was started by Russia in February 24th 2022. Large areas of Ukraine have been occupied, Ukrainian capital Kiev is nearly encirculated by Russian militaries and according to UN more than one million people have fled from Ukraine within last
ACE Logistics Belarus celebrates in October its 10th Birthday and because of such magical number (10.10.21 and 10th Birthday) we decided to interview their managing director Tatyana Efremova to get to know her better and introduce to all of you, as well as to have a short retrospective of the ten years in ACE Logistics
To date, we have audited the 2020 financial statements of ACE Logistics Group and we can be satisfied with another year of growth. The consolidated turnover of the group increased 15% compared to 2019 and reached 39 million euros. Despite a difficult year, the total number of shipments also increased by 14% and the Group’s
Dachser Finland Oy, with the participation of ACE Logistics, opened a new logistics center in Kerava in October. The new terminal provides an opportunity to change the local distribution system and serve a significantly larger number of customers with better service quality. The energy efficiency of the logistics center is ensured by the solar panels
We have audited the financial indicators of the ACE Logistics Group for year 2019. We are very pleased with the results and the continuous growth. The consolidated turnover increased by 6% compared to the previous year and reached as much as 34 million euros. The total number of shipments increased by 7.5%. The number of
ACE Logistics has been offering logistics services since 1992. This year we have established an affiliate in the sixth country. In April, ACE Logistics Ukraine LLC, based in Kiev, started operating. Andres Matkur, CEO of ACE Logistics Group, said that the corona epidemic has not affected our long-term growth strategy in any way. He sees
ACE Logistics Grupp koosneb üheksast Eestis, Lätis, Leedus, Valgevenes ja Soomes tegutsevast ettevõttest. Aasta 2017 oli eriliselt meeldejääv, kuna ettevõte tähistas oma 25. aastapäeva ning Läti ja Leedu organisatsioonid kolisid uutesse ruumidesse. ACE Logistics Grupi ettevõtted pakuvad laiapõhist valikut erinevaid transpordi- ja logistikateenuseid sh lennu-, mere-, maantee- ja raudteetranspordi teenuseid, samuti erinevaid lao- ning tolliagenteerimisteenuseid.
Oleme valmis saanud ACE Logistics Grupi 2016 majandustulemusi kajastava aastaraamatu. Seekordne aastaraamat on pühendatud ACE Logistics Grupi 25 aasta täitumisele. Lisaks tähistasid meie Leedu kolleegid möödunud aasta lõpus oma 20. tegevusaastat, Valgevenel täitus 5 aastat ja Läti ettevõttel täitub 20 aastat käesoleval aastal. Edukate majandustulemuste ja ümmarguste juubelite taga on palju tööd ja pingutust, mille
ACE Logistics Valgevene ettevõte Minskis tähistas 2016. aasta sügisel oma viiendat sünnipäeva. Käesoleva aasta aprillis võttis World Air Cargo Organization (WACO) Hispaanias, Valencias toimunud kongressil ACE Logistics Valgevene ettevõtte oma võrgustiku liikmeks.
Valgevene majandusmudel on omamoodi müüdipurustaja, sest selliselt toimimisele on peatset lõppu ennustatud juba peaaegu paarkümmend aastat. Koostöös Eesti Vabariigi Suursaatkonnaga Minskis anname teile ülevaate Valgevene majandusest. Ühtlasi tuletame meelde, et iga Valgevene suunal tellitud import- või eksportsaadetisega kaasneb kuni suve lõpuni magus üllatus!